Go home to your friends and tell them how much the LORD has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you. -- Acts 5:19Though we may have talents in sports, God does not always work through the things we find fun. Yes, I believe often that God does, but God will use you the way he wants. If he knows you'll do amazing things by going out of your element, then he'll have you do it. If he wants you to do what you have been doing your whole life, he'll make that clear too. The glory of God living in us is that he gives us the power to do everything he wants us to do. God does not delegate tasks and leave us to fulfill them; he empowers us to do them. God works this way so that the world will see him working, loving, living, and breathing in such a way that the events that transpire are wholly divine in nature.
Glen Coffee saw this. He saw that God used football to take him to college, where he would learn about Jesus' death and resurrection. Now that he has come to know God, Glen believes that God is using his life in new, more adventurous. It's almost certainly more difficult to abandon a life of fortune, fame, skill, and worldly prize for one of service, but God wants his people where he wants them. Whatever God's reasons are, we know that they are more amazing than anything we could think of. Continue to pray that God shows you what he wants you to do, and you too may find yourself somehow, by known of your own merit, accomplishing spectacular tasks you never thought you'd embark on.
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